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„Jamii ya haki“ means something like just or fair society in Swahili.
I have already organized the sustainable fair „Fairena“ in Munich several times in the past, but that is not possible at the moment. Corona has changed a lot. Shortly before it all started, thanks to Greta, the „fridays for future“ movement gained a lot of attention, but unfortunately it is no longer possible to the same extent as before.
When I was thinking about what to do about it, the idea occurred to me to set up a digital event that would again draw attention to the urgency of global warming.
This event should bring people together, give them the opportunity to exchange ideas and offer a platform for sustainable companies to present their better products and services to the masses.

With „Jamii ya haki“ I would like to digitally implement the concept of a real, real trade fair in order to make a small contribution to a better world by bringing sustainable companies and organizations together with consumers and thus showing them alternative paths for a future worth striving for.
As at a normal trade fair, it will be possible to present products and services. There will be lectures and workshops relevant to the topic and the opportunity to meet and chat with like-minded people in virtual rooms and cafés.

Apart from the fact that it is not possible to hold a normal trade fair, this concept is far more environmentally friendly than a conventional public trade fair, because many environmentally harmful factors such as the transport of goods, furniture and other trade fair equipment are eliminated. The journey of exhibitors and visitors is also completely superfluous.
But that’s not enough. Of course, a digital trade fair will also cause CO², although it is far less so. To compensate for this, we will make part of the income available for afforestation.
I want „Jamii ya haki“ to revolutionize the trade fair business and set new standards for sustainable events and I hope that as many supporters as possible will share my ambitious idea and help me to make a small contribution to the bigger picture.

And remember, everyone can help!
Even if you are not able to support this project financially, you can help make this project known by sharing and telling others. Every little action that helps to bring about a rethinking is an important action for the future of our planet and the life of future generations.
Become part of the movement!